• 12-07-2019

    Our Stainless Steel Fermenters just finished

    Our fermentation tank can be individually temperature controlled through glycol jackets and are mostly equipped with accessories such as pressure gauge and pressure valve, CIP cleaning arm, sanitary sample valve, manhole,etc. The design of fermenters is based on our vast beer knowledge.

  • 05-07-2019

    12000L Wine Fermentation Tank

    Best wine making depends on high quality tanks. Over 10 years wine tanks manufacture experience combined with strict quality standard and professional design produce a perfect product. Large or small, standard or custom, red or white wine, YUXIN would be your best choice.

  • 04-07-2019

    New Designed Tanks

    Good beer needs good equipment! Clean working environment is important for YUXIN workers; Sanitary protection is necessary for each tank&accessory; High quality control is vital for making craft beer! We'll craft brewery for your craft beer!

  • 05-06-2019

    New tanks for US customer!

    New tanks for US customer!

  • 22-05-2019

    5000L Beer Fermenter just finished

    Our new 5000l fermenters finished here!

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